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Join us for Cinco de Mayo, a Derby Dance, a Potluck Dinner Dance and more in May

Celebrate the month of May at one of the Marietta Studio’s great parties.

In addition to the Georgian Terrace Thursdays in May, you can improve your moves and put some sizzle in your salsa or spring in your swing at one of the following events. Please note that due to the Georgian Terrance event every Thursday in May that the studio will close at 6 p.m. on Thursdays and that regularly scheduled parties will be held on Fridays instead:

Cinco de Mayo Party on Friday, May 6th — featuring margaritas SALSA! and chips.

Derby dance Saturday May 7th from 8-10 p.m. Open to the public. Admission is $10 for public $5 for students and HATS are highly encouraged. There will also be a dance race so be working on your long strides and stamina!

Potluck Dance Party on Friday, May 20th –  Kick off the start of summer with some dance fun and be sure to bring a summer dish to pass.