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Save the Date! Dance All Night!

Arthur Murray Atlanta is a proud sponsor of the Dance All Night Agape fundraiser to help underprivileged kids get the tools they need to get into college. The program does so much for Atlanta’s youth that we are delighted to be a part of it. You can help us by signing up to be part of our Dance Marathon Team. SAVE THE DATE of the marathon – Nov. 13th, from 7 p.m. Talk to your teacher for details!

From Agape: Why Dance?

Did you know that there are more than half a million children in Georgia that live in poverty? Right here in Atlanta, 39% of senior citizens aged 65 and over live on an annual income of less than $15,000. Agape combats these issues by serving as a support system for economically challenged families and senior citizens and provides a safe haven for youths. With your participation in Dance the Night Away, local children will continue to have a safe place to learn and grow, build skills, develop strong character and experience opportunities they never before imagined. Read more at the Dance the Night Away website.