Bob Long to Coach Dance Camp in Atlanta January 25th

BobLongOur esteemed traveling dance consultant, Bob Long, will be in town to offer Dance Camp and master classes to help us ring in the new year January 25, 2014. Mr. Long is a world-class adju­di­ca­tor and cer­ti­fied dual doc­tor­ate exam­iner. He is the co-author of the Arthur Murry Bronze, Sil­ver and Gold Syl­labi as well as the Coun­try West­ern, West Coast Swing and Argen­tine Tango Syllabi.

He is also a North Amer­i­can Pro­fes­sional Ball­room and Arthur Mur­ray Pro­fes­sional Ball­room cham­pion, sev­eral times U.S. Pro­fes­sional Amer­i­can Ball­room and Ohio Star Ball final­ist, recip­i­ent of the Feather Award for the Most Out­stand­ing Male Teacher in the U.S., an Impe­r­ial Soci­ety Licen­ti­ate in The­atre Arts, and past chair­man, now on the board of the National Dance Coun­cil. Don’t miss this chance to dance with a Master!


Check out this “Archive” video of Bob and Cynthia Long dancing circa 1998. Sizzling’!