Arthur Murray’s Georgia Beginnings on WABE

Leslie Sharp gives John Lemley a lesson in dance history.

Gear up to celebrate Arthur Murray’s 100th Anniversary in 2012 with this well-produced radio historical vignette aired on John Lemley’s City Cafe at WABE public radio.

Our own Leslie Sharp, teacher veteran and co-owner of the Atlanta, GA and Grand Rapids, MI franchise districts, treated Lemley to a talk, and tips on how to get into the groove.

The piece also delves into the history of dance magnate and founder Arthur Murray, who first began teaching dance classes at Atlanta’s Georgian Terrace Hotel while he was a Georgia Tech college student. His work launched a dance empire that has spanned a century!

Check out the podcast by following this link: The Dance Steps from Atlanta: Arthur Murray’s Georgia Beginnings.

Special thanks to the WABE crew, and folks, remember to support public radio!